Monday 13 May 2013

Things NOT to Say to Me

Being a single mother, in the situation I am in, I seem to hear the same lines over and over again. Here is a list of the ones I'd really rather you didn't allow to escape from your pie-holes. (yes, I am a grumpy bitch; what of it?)

tired baby with tongue out blowing raspberry
This is how I feel, 90% of the time.
  • "I don't know how you do it"/"I couldn't do it." Oh right, so if you were left alone with a small baby to care for you'd... what? Give up? Sell the baby?  It's a matter of having no choice but to cope. We all just get on with what life throws at us.
  • "Where's her dad?" Not bloody here, obviously.
  • "I'm almost a single mum; my partner works long hours/is only about at weekends/doesn't change many nappies." No.You. Are. Not. Even if you have the worst, most useless partner in the world, you still have someone to hold the baby while you go to the loo, or someone to stay with the baby while you run to the shop to top up the gas card.
  • "You're so brave!" Yes, and I fought a lion on the way to work this morning. I'm a single mother, not an idiot. Don't talk down to me.
  • You're so strong!" see above, and kindly knob off.
  • "Good for you for going back to work!" No, good for you - now you don't have to feel bad about being friends with benefit scum. And also: see above. Don't talk down to me.
  • "Surely you get some time to yourself though?" Yes, when I go to the toilet at work, and 2 hours when S goes to bed, if the noise from outside/next door doesn't wake her. Those two hours are spent cleaning up after the day, preparing for the next day, attempting to catch up on the washing, and studying. And often sitting on the sofa staring into space, wondering how the chuffing hell to get through tomorrow.
  • "I'm sure you have someone you can leave her with though!" Yes, I do. For a couple of hours, here and there. When that person doesn't have a better offer, which, as the weather gets better and the novelty of looking after my child wears off, they invariably do.
  • "You get lots of benefits though; me and my partner don't get any help!" Well boo-hoo for you. I don't get any help with sleepless nights, nappy changing, shopping, meal times, bath times, teething, colds, nursery drop-off and pick-up, going out without my child, eating a meal that hasn't gone cold, getting the buggy up and down the stairs to my flat, telling my neighbours to STFU when my child is trying to sleep, popping to the shop to get the one thing I missed off the shopping trip I dragged us both around earlier, peeing and bathing without an audience. There are often days where I speak to nobody but my child and shop assistants. Should I continue?
  • "Oh, you must be so tired..." Thank you so much for reminding me. Really, it's so helpful when you stand there and state the bleeding obvious. In other news, water is wet and the Earth is round. Now shut up.
  • "I know just how you feel." Just fuck off.
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  1. Absolutely wonderful post, amazing x

  2. Im not a single parent but i love this post, my sister is a single mother and the comments some people give are so patronising!

    1. It's the whole head-on-one-side-wide-eyed "areyouokay?" face that just makes me want to stab people.
      I'd rather someone just said "fuck me that must be hard work hey!"

  3. Grumpy bitch! :) The Ed x.

  4. What a fab post! I was a single parent to my 2 sons {aged 16mths & 3mths} for years {Father couldn't hack the responsibility that came with tiny people, what a douche}. So I can certainly relate to this post. xx

    1. Thanks! In my experience "douche" is a very big understatement.

  5. AS a working single mother I so agree however you forget the boss 'can't someone else look after your child' when said child is ill and you have to take a day off work my answer ' well if there was someone I wouldn't be asking!!!!!'

    1. I have to be honest, my boss is a legend and tends to say "well, if you need the time then you need the time. Just let me know what days you need."
      I am aware this makes me incredibly bloody lucky!

  6. Oh this made me chuckle; I'm a single mum to a nearly 3 yo and I STILL get all of these. It's as if people are still expecting a partner to materialise out the woodwork or something, they seem amazed one hasn't. Grr! x

    1. I know, right! As if you've been lying all this time, just for kicks.
      Is he hiding down the back of the sofa? In the cupboard? Back garden?
      Yes. I do all the night feeds and the teething and the nappies and never leave the house alone, just for the hell of it!

  7. I get a lot of these, although because my son's dad has him for overnights sometimes there are one or two I manage to avoid. Then again, add "oh he sounds like /such/ a good dad!" to the list. Yeah, he's great, emotionally abused me to the point where I had to leave and still treats me like crap whenever he can, just wonderful!

    1. I'm lucky I get to avoid that part - everyone who knows me, knows what my ex did to me!

  8. Oh Vicky, this post is lol funny - no wait, scrap that, it's 'splutter coffee all over laptop' funny *grabs wipes*.

    Thanks for putting the giggle into my Saturday! :O) x

  9. People can be pretty clueless, can't they. I've read about your boss before; he sounds like a prince.Maybe writing more about such men will help to propagate them.


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