Friday 16 August 2013

Room 101

Katie at My Homemade Happiness tagged me in her Room 101 post as part of the Stickers & Smiles linky. For those who don't know, Room 101 is where you put things you would rather didn't exist in the world.

Stickers, Stars and Smiles

Here are my entries to Room 101:
  • Ignorant people. The ones who stop right in front of you when the path isn't wide enough to get round, or don't hold doors open (less to do with chivalry; more to do with politeness and common decency), or don't move to allow someone more needy to take their seat on a bus or train. Also people who insist on shouting across large spaces to each other, when we're all aware they have a mobile because they're using it to blast loud music out into the atmosphere. I'm not saying everyone should creep about the world, constantly checking to see if they are inconveniencing someone else with their actions; I just want them to stop being ignorant wankers.
  • Coldplay. Seriously, does the world really need a group of nondescript, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou wankers spouting their "every song sounds the same" brand of MOR bollocks? I would not piss on them if they were on fire.
  • Soaps. I used to watch loads of soaps, all the time. Eastenders, Neighbours, Home & Away, Hollyoaks. And I was really miserable. One day, I just stopped bothering to watch them. I watched a dvd instead... and suddenly, I wasn't so miserable. I haven't watched any soaps for years now. I don't understand why anyone would give over hours of their week to this dross. I'm sure a lot more would be achieved across the nation, if the soaps were suddenly cut from the TV schedules. And I really can't stand the inane conversations about what's happening on them, as if the characters are real people.
And now I tag 3 bloggers to carry the fun on...


  1. I agree with your 101s - going to have a good think about what to include in mine!

  2. Hi there - great to find your blog through this - and thanks so much for taking part in the meme. I agree with the Coldplay one definitely - made me want to end it all now listening to that voice drone on. Why didn't I think of that one?!?


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